data-mm-id=”_42pei5rza”>Standing at six-foot-six, decked out in training attire with bright red shoes, Darren Waller ducks into the ring. As he straightens out he towers over Alberto Ortiz, owner of Work Train Fight, the gym Waller is training in that day in partnershpi with Icy Hot. The ring overlooks Broadway in the NoHo neighborhood of Manhattan yet the cacophony of the New York City sidewalks can't be heard. The gym echoes with loud hip-hop music and instructions from Ortiz. His commands are fired off as quickly as his feints. He dances around the ring from Waller, shadowboxing with the New York Giants tight end. Jab left! Jab right! Uppercut! Hook! Left! Right! Waller's fists fly forward. His breath hisses out from between his teeth. He floats around the ring, incredibly…